12 thoughts on “Work avoidance behaviour

  1. Ah yes, same thing happened to a work colleague of mine who’d booked a holiday in Dubai a couple of months earlier and then her boss claimed that she had never seen the forms even though it bears her signature. Guilt trip galore.

    I just beat that by never going on holiday 😉


  2. peas: It’s nice to be needed, huh? I feel so validated.

    divine miss M: Good plan. I live in constant fear that during my absence they’ll realise that they can get along just fine without me.


  3. I once didnt go to work for a whole week just to see if someone would look for me, but no-one noticed my absence or the fact that I didnt even put in leave. My jean pant must have some “invisble cloak” quality.


  4. there are some serious Flight Centre Zen masters of pack-your-bags-you’re-going-on-a-guilt-trip out there. My mother runs the training camp.


  5. In my inbox today: “Can we discuss your Leave request – as you know we have x on the 31st so the period 19 – 31st is going to be busy, I would prefer to give you leave from the 1st of Jan onwards – lets discuss today…..straight after the meeting?”

    In my drafts: my new leave request: leave me alooooooooooone!!!

    Rule # 1: Nobody works in December in CT. NOOOOBODY!!!!



  6. miss M: Lightbulb City.

    anne: Do you also get frequent-flyer miles on yours?

    jean pant: Spooky.

    betenoir: The subscriber you have dialed is not available. Please try again later.

    angel: I’m living the dream here.

    dolce: Does she run a franchise outfit by any chance?

    anicker: Hey, who are you calling a nobody?


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