12 thoughts on “The missing link

  1. oh how embarrassing…
    *that’s me laughing AT you*
    just remember… it happens to everybody at some stage… but to blame the alarm clock?



  2. my alarm clock didn’t go off this morning. and the back up [The Kid] didn’t go off either. Needless to say, The Boyfriend was late for work, and I, for once, got to sleep in later than 5 am.


  3. Haha and all the fun and games you planned for his absence has now had to be cancelled. Gotta love those office chair races. Next time give him a wake-up phone call so he doesn’t miss his flight – also I can give you the name of an excellent airport shuttle service that is always on time.


  4. stef: . <– see this? It’s a point.
    thrills: Seems like a worthwhile trade-off to me.
    charmskool: I’d be willing to bet good money that it was his usual “just one more thing” approach to time management that caused him to miss the flight.


  5. I love it when people I hate take vacation. I’d be seriously bummed if it fell through. I’m going to take charmskool’s advice and make them aware of efficient shuttle service, so this never happens to me.


  6. lock him in a room and make him telephone in to the meeting. nothing will drive a person insane quicker (or make them less likely to miss flights) than staring at a blithering, hard-to-hear telephone.


  7. betenoir: This is why the Universe is out of balance.
    revo: I’ve tried bribing his PA, but I couldn’t meet her price.
    robin: Better yet – make the shuttle booking yourself, just to be sure.
    daisy: Close enough, except for the “can I help?” part.
    shebee: All things are possible, if you believe+
    + not really
    gnukid Actually, it might also do the trick if I just lock him in a room without a telephone.


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