29 thoughts on “It’s cold, too

  1. in light of the above (idleLayabout)… I am very familiar with the inexplicable phenomena that happens in cape town every time it rains – a mere hint of rain and Capetonians can’t drive. Fact. I have anticipated this and have cleverly calculated that my 7 minute journey to work will take me 3 hours and have therefore not left my house for the office yet.

    Ooooh, one more cup of tea….


  2. betenoir: I’m prepared to weather that storm.
    idle layabout: Hey, that’s just the way we roll.
    anicker: So true. A storm in a teacup writ large.
    nrvs: and sporting events.

    Oh, and by the way – “Anti-Cellulite”? WTF?


  3. It’s all my fault I had my car washed at Howard Centre on Wednesday in honour of Betenoirs’ birthday (so she could ride in a clean coach and four to her birthday supper)and we all know it rains when you have your car washed.


  4. Engineers would do just as good of a job as the meteorologists. For that matter, so would housewives, doctors, chicken ranchers, social workers, and homeless people. I don’t have much faith in weathermen, you see.


  5. charmskool: Actually, I wouldn’t know.
    prixie: Oh sure, be cryptic why don’t you? Are we talking funny ha-ha, or funny peculiar here?
    uncle keith: Yeah, I’m an athiest too.
    miss M: Next time I’m going the MasterCard route.
    beaverboosh: It’ll be a cold day in Hell before I believe that.
    dolce: Hooray! Awww, you’re so sweet. You remembered.
    mandy: Many thanks. You’ll be pleased to know the cream turned in the post and caused widespread food-poisoning among the postal workers who stole it.
    ctyri: I think it’s at least worth a try
    daisy: Hey, who are you calling old? I’m only… ah, I see what you mean. Uh, thanks.
    nursemyra: Ta. Put it this way, I’m like one of those plans Robert Burns was on about.


  6. “Inside every silver lining, there’s a dark cloud”
    ~George Carlin (aka Hippy Dippy Weatherman)
    Your birfday? Happy, happy.
    I’ll echo, NurseMyra and say that I hope you got some tail :mrgreen:



  7. You told me to keep you updated… windy and partly cloudy, with a chance of drunken pervertedness throughout the evening…

    …and a happy birthday to you… do like i do and count in hexadecimal (making me 33!)… it makes it seem like you’re younger!


  8. ~m: Well, there was that one time, with the mermaid…
    martin: 28? Ahahahahahaha! You’re too kind. No, really!
    parenthesis: Are you being monthist?
    gnukid: I’m going to stick with the “you’re only as old as the person you feel” approach.
    thrills: That is good. I prefer the weather to stay outside.


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