27 thoughts on “Let’s Tango!

  1. Are you sure we don’t work in the same office? I’m the one dribbling and rocking in the corner. No, not Agnes from finance. The other one. Foetal position is sooooo comforting.


  2. Duh it’s not rocket science – clients, bosses, mothers, and ex-spouses, they all always want you to change back to the original (or in the case of my clients, to version 3.5.3(a)of 2006)so, being the obsessive little creature I am, I save EVERY version I do – I’m about to crash the company computer system.


  3. peas: Yick. That’s just nasty.
    dolce: It’s possible. Oh, by the way, I borrowed your stapler. I’ll return it if my suicide attempt fails.
    betenoir: Learn from my mouseover text.
    charmskool: See above.
    stef: We don’t get increases. We have “performance-related adjustments”. I’m still on the same salary scale as I was in 2001.
    idlelayabout: This is South Africa. We’re used to that.
    shebee: Jeez. Tough room.
    nursemyra: Criminal record.
    daisy: Oh, I do that anyway. It’s a bit like the Cold War.


  4. Too bad you can’t just say, “No.” Wouldn’t that feel good? Just a simple “no”. No explanation. Just “no”. Sigh. Sorry. I got carried away with fantasizing there.


  5. peas: Maybe. Let’s conduct a poll.
    sephanie: Hey, be my guest. Just send it back when you’re done with it.
    seraphine: True. Some are just run by freaks.
    miss M: Okay.
    robin: “No” is never simple.


  6. betenoir: Your curses mean nothing to me!
    nursemyra: Hardly. Just youthful stupidity.
    amandzing: Thanks. You’re clearly a person with excellent taste :mrgreen:


  7. does your boss like candy? i hear strychnine coated candy taste like… well… candy… but you didn’t hear that from me… nope… you heard it from… ummmm… HER!! she did it, officer!


  8. An officer will be sent to your location to fill out a missing “sense of humor” report. Still, it looks like you have recovered yours.
    Your photos are stunning! Is that a Forget-me-not? The little blue one? The state flower of Alaska?


  9. seraphine: Rinse, repeat.
    uncle keith: It’s a bit like eating popcorn, though. Once you start, it’s hard to stop.
    gnukid: Actually, I already knew that. You’re safe.
    museditions: Could be. I forget.
    beaverboosh: Not at the moment. We’re ignoring one another.


  10. Pingback: Tempus edax rerum « the other side of the mountain

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