16 thoughts on “Improvisational theatre

  1. Ha ha at gnukid’s comment/question.

    Ascii rules! One of my fav’s:

    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.·´


  2. UB40: An endless game of pong? The solid waste guys already do that.
    daisyfae: I’ll arrange an EMP in orbit, shall I?
    gnukid: I said don’t ask.
    rob: What a lovely gesture.
    robin: That’s cold, man.
    dolce: Yup. Kept him up all day.
    peas: I’m not too fond of the Doors, either.
    nursemyra: TThhaatt”ss nnoott ggoooodd 😦 😦
    revo: So is Chesney Hawkes, but we don’t like to talk about it.
    anicker: Nhurhurhur.


  3. I see I have stumbled upon the realm of nerds and geeks who love to relive the ATARI era…

    They should start a facebook group called “COMMODORE 64, alive 4evamore!” ..



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